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Bug's Nook was inspired by my son, whom I lovingly call Bug. He, along with the amazing students who have crossed my path, inspires everything we do here. Bug's Nook is not just a clothing store; it represents a job opportunity and, most importantly, a bright future for individuals with disabilities.

We provide a supportive environment where they can work at their own pace, learn new skills, develop life skills, and truly embrace who they are meant to be. We began our journey as a brick-and-mortar store in our beautiful hometown of Bethel, Connecticut, employing incredible individuals with disabilities who brought education and joy to Bug and my family.

As life changes, we have evolved into an online shop, allowing us to continue providing Bug with the life skills he needs for future success, all while aiming to open another storefront in our new hometown, expanding our mission even further.

Thank you for joining us on this journey!

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